The Billionaire Investor

The Billionaire Investor

Original price was: $50.Current price is: $22.

The Billionaire Investor will make you understand the correlation of wealth and wealth creation in Africa. The beginning of the books tells us how wealth in Africa is being measured by number of farms, health of livestock, ownership of lands and landed property and many more and introduces the need to bridge the gap between economic dependence to economic independence.

This book emphasizes on how our relationship or disposition to wealth has been traced to our mindset, emotions, habits, motivations e.t.c. The seven financial philosophies are as well analyzed starting from how money is a means to an end, we shouldn’t neglect today, we need to think harder about what we want, how money is emotional, financial lives are bigger than we think, focusing more on things we can control and simplicity is one of the great financial virtues.

Getting to know more on this popular question “Does money buy happiness”.

The cashflow quadrant is a concept that is well explained in this book where we have E-Employee; B-Business Owner; S-Self-employed; I-investor.

Grants, Industrial banks,private investors, private equity are sources of finance for growing businesses without loans that have been laid emphasis in this book.

Note that there’s no best way to make money in the stock market. If you are going to learn how to invest in stocks, be careful. Amazing right? You will understand not eon how to invest like the most successful investors in Africa. Also, the two common ways to bring in money and common billionaire investments are secrets you should find out in this book.

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